Use the month dates to update your magnetic calendar without having to write, erase, repeat every single month! The month dates fit nicely in the corner of each box on your calendar, giving it a clutter-free look that will help keep you organized and engaged with your family's schedule!
Make it easy to change the month on the calendar each month with our magnetic month labels. Simply remove the label from the prior month and switch it out with the label for this month! Quick and easy!
Enjoy 36 holiday, event and reminder icons for you to use with your magnet calendar! Our magnetic icons make it easy to update your calendar on a monthly basis and keep it looking clean, fresh and organized!
What people are saying about Magnet Month Labels & Icons?
I love having a fridge calendar but am horrible at keeping them current. These magnets make it so much easier and neater to do so while being cute at the same time! Plus I love the included holiday and important event labels that were included also.
As a sub statute teacher, I find this product indispensable in managing my work and personal schedules. Having strong magnates for a month, date, holidays and special occasions give this item unique flair.
—James Lakey
I got these for the whiteboard calendar in my office. I love them!! They are the perfect size and it keeps my calendar looking neater than when I used to handwrite in the Dates. Very happy with this buy!
My daughter wanted these for her calendar. She loves it, She said it’s. Perfect size numbers and letters